Here we always offer used parts for sale.
Here we offer original parts which are no longer needed due to our conversions, as well as used and new Cup parts.
The prices are significantly lower than the new prices of the respective series and can be picked up from our Eugendorf warehouse after purchase by arrangement. Worldwide shipping is of course also possible after consultation with our logistics partners.
We would like to point out that motorsport parts can have a very short lifespan depending on the use, which is why a guarantee/warranty can only be given for 14 days. Used parts are expressly excluded from any guarantee/warranty. Parts with expired FIA certification cannot be returned, even as new parts!
Among other things, you will expect:
- Original Porsche CUP body parts from the 991 and 992 series
- Original Porsche CUP rims from the 991 and 992 series
- Original Porsche parts from the 991 and 992 series (Carrera, GT3 and GT3 RS)